About Me

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Atlanta, Georgia
My name is Alisa and I am 22 years old. I started this blog so you could follow my sister and I as we went onour first long-term misions trip to Honduras. Now that I'm home I encourage you to follow me into the next phase in my life and read about all of the exciting things that are going to happen this year!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I know it's been awhile...

So I haven't blogged in a really long time so this is long over due. Amber and I have been home for almost 3 months now and we are defiantely missing our 2nd family in Honduras. It's been weird transitioning, but having our simple "pleasures" back have been a blessing :) I haven't really been working since we got home and having this much time off has been a little weird...my mom has told me how bad the economy has gotten while we were gone and we didn't really know what to think, however trying to find a job was definately a struggle.

My family moved into our new house and over the last month 1/2 we've been renovating and building and have been really busy with the house...we're glad to finally have our own space again and I'm defiantely happy to have my own room back :) Amber and I were constantly in eachother's area while we were in Honduras and then we came back we were all on top of eachother. Lately, we've been painting the basement and fixing it up and making it kid friendly. My mom, Amber and I have decided to start an in-home childcare out of our house and are very excited about it! We've always worked with children and have a HUGE passion for them so I think it'sgoing to be a good fit and go really well! The carpet is going down tomm. and they've been painting the outside of the house and they'll be finished today! I'm ready for all of the construction to finally be over and the house to be done...it looks really good though!

Anyways, Jordan is leaving Saturday to go to San Diego for 3 weeks...I'm so JEALOUS!! haha My Aunt and Uncle are going on vacation so he's going to keep an eye on my cousins and the house. haha I went back last year for my 21st birthday and it's been 4 years since he's been back so I guess it's fair! However, I wish I was going too!! lol :)

So..I'm not always sure what direction my life is going to take and what is going to happen next...we're starting something new and there's always something new in my personal life as well but I'm excited and hopeful about what is to come! 2009 has been an interesting start but hopefully it's an AMAZING one! I'll be sure to fill you guys in on all of the exciting things as they happen...and I'll post some new pictures of the house when I get them! Love you guys!!

Love, Alisa

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

7 more days...this is going to be so hard!

Sorry it´s been awhile since I´ve blogged but we have been extremely busy and finding the time gets difficult ;) So, this whole time we´ve been here we´ve mentioned how hard it was going to be in the end when we would have to say good-bye..that time isn´t that far away anymore. By this time next week we will be on a flight back to Atlanta. We have 1 week left and while we´re so happy to be going home to see our family and friends, at the same time we are a really difficult time leaving. These people have become a second family to us and we have spent everyday with themfor 4 months and have a ton of new and exciting experiences with them. I´ve already been crying and we´re not even saying our good-byes yet. During these past 4 months God has shown us a lot and given us these awesome memories and experiences that will be with us for the rest of our lives. I know I will continued to be connected to the people here this is only the 1st of many trips that we are going to make here. The youth and everyone are already picking out dates and talking about when we should come back...I´ve told them sometime in 2009 so we´ll see when :)

But anyways...enough sad talk about leaving. Amber and I have been really busy lately. On Saturday we went to the Valle De Angeles, which is a pueblo about 45 minutes from Reynel Funez in the mountians that has a lot of tourists stuff and souvenirs. We ended up having breakfast in a really cute coffee shop that an older lady owned. The kitches was open in the back and it was decorated really cute and had a relaly homey feeling and a little store in the front where you could buy baked goods...I liked it a lot! After the Valle De Angeles we went to another pueblo, Saint Lucia which was close by and they were having an anniversary celebration. All of the street vendors lined the roads with food adn shopping...they even had a little place with a few small carnival rides that the kids got to ride and loved. It was Amber and I and Bessy and the kids and her sister and brother and his family that went...we had a really good saturday.

Sunday we ahd church and then went to Sayda´s house, which is Bessy´s sister for tacos...I helped make them and I´m getting really good at it. Tacos are a Sunday tradition for us and I´m pretty excited to get back and make them in the States! Sunday was also Walter´s wife, Ester´s birthday so at night all of the youth surprised her for her birthday. We went out and got chinese rice for dinner to bring back to the house, a really pretty cake and some chips and drinks. The youth met us at the house and when they knocked on the dorr the youth all started singing to her all of the ¨Feliz CumpleaƱos¨ songs. We have a simple 1 Happy Birthday song and here they have so many songs that they sing to you on your birthday with a lot of traditions..def. something that I want to keep on doing after I leave.

Then, this week we´ve been doing Vacation Bible School...we´ve had a lot of children show up for it every day and have had a lot of fun. We start out with singing and speaking and have a mini lesson and then they all go into separate classes by age groups and do separate activities with games adn crafts...the kids are having a lot of fun :) Last night the youth spent the night at the house and we all styed up goofing around and we were recording them singing so we can take it . Friday we finish VBS and then we will be packing and getting everything ready to leave. All of the youth are spending the night at the house on Saturday night and we´re going to make tacos and brownies and spend our last little bit of time with them. The rest of the weekend we´ll be getting things ready and then Tuesday night before we leave everyone is coming over to the house again to say good-bye...however everyone is basically coming to the airport too so we´ll see most of them all on Wednesday as well. I´ve already started crying and I know Tuesday and Wednesday and just going to be crying and there will be no use for make-up! It´s going to be the hardest thing that I´ve ever done and we are going to miss them so much!! Please keep us in your prayes for safe travels home and for us leaving here...we´re sad already so we´re going to need some support :) We love you guys and miss everyone and are very excited to see everyone in 7 days! All our love..

Alisa & Amber