So this past week the pastor and soem of the youth that are the leaders of the group attended meeting for Mission of Mercy. They are the same organization that my brother Jordan and Children's Cup are partnered up with in Africa. They come in and provide meals, schooling, medical care, etc. for children that have nothing. They've chosen 7 churches/villages in Tegucigalpa to get involved with in Honduras and each church is starting out with 100 children. They leanred about how the organization works and all that is required of the program on a daily basis.
Yesturday we started the selection process. in a village like Reynel Funez there are way more than 100 children that need help so we have to narrow it down to 100 with the most dire circumstances. The catch is there can only be 1 child from each family and they cannot be receiving aid from anywhere else. HOW DO JUST PICK 1 CHILD?! Every one of these families have more than 1 child, most with between 4 and 7. Their homes have dirt floors.arely anything to eat, no electricity, no bathrooms, rain leaking in would break your hearts to see how these families live on a daily basis.
It was raining all day and we went out all over Reynel Funez, down one side of a mountain and climbed another. The youth had to have each family answer questions for paperwork and explain how the program would work. We were out all day and after the parent picked which child would go we took their photo, signed them up and prayed over each fmaily. It was really sad to me because before yesturday I wasn't aware of the 1 child per family rule..Ithought it was jsut 100 unsupported children. However, this 1 child is going to bless every family that they're in and bring hope to them and show them that someone cares about their life. God will begin to shine through these children through the church & this program and lives will be forever changed...startign with these 100 fmailies and 600 others around Tegucigalpa. So yes, it will start with 1 child, but you could see it across the mother's faces how happy and fortunate they were that their child was going to be given oppurtunity as well as us having the oppurtunity to bless them in return. After 2 years and the program gets started they will be able to have more of the siblings and additional children added to the program and it will expand.
Please continue to pray for us, we went out all day yesturday and we have 11 children but need's very hard work physically and emotionally picking these families so just pray for this team here. Also, Amber and I are really starting to miss home and sometimes having a hard time being away from home and everything so jsut please keep us in your prayers! We love getting your comments and messages too...we don't alwasy have time to write back bc internet time is very short but we love you and appreciate hearing from home. We miss you guys so much! I have to get off because we're going out again today to find more children! Love yall!
Love, Alisa and Amber
To The Mom...
10 years ago
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