About Me

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Atlanta, Georgia
My name is Alisa and I am 22 years old. I started this blog so you could follow my sister and I as we went onour first long-term misions trip to Honduras. Now that I'm home I encourage you to follow me into the next phase in my life and read about all of the exciting things that are going to happen this year!

Monday, October 13, 2008



If anyone has sky miles they would like to donate to my sister and I it would be so greatly appreciated! We have to change our ticket and will be returning on January 28th because it can only go 120 days out from when we flew here. The airlines fee to change the ticket and then pay the difference is CRAZY so I just wanted to throw it out there to see if anyone had extra sky miles or ones that you weren’t using to help us out :) Although they have to be from one person and each ticket will be round 60,000 skymiles, so if you would like to donate for a ticket it would be greatly apprciated! We will be having to purchase the tickets by the end of this month so if you would like to help you can e-mail me at calichic2005@yahoo.com or my mother, Holly at msholly05@yahoo.com. Thanks so much, love you all!

Love, Alisa

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